• Singapore Youth Report
  • ライフ


Youth Report by NUS

シンガポール国立大学(NUS)語学教育研究センター(CLS)LAJ4203 Newspaper Readingの日本語履修生が日本語で様々なトピックを綴ります。




 その研究は、「Project Heat-Safe」と言います。シンガポール国立大学の主任研究員ジェイソン・リー准教授によると、研究のきっかけは暑さで意思決定能力が低下し、事故につながったケースもあったからだそうです。特に、建築現場や、ホーカーセンターなど労働集約型産業に従事している労働者を対象として研究を行うそうです。最終的には、暑さの影響を減らすための労働条件の改善、また、新たにどんな対策を講じるべきか検討することを目指しているということです。

 暑さは私たちに何もしたくない感じを引き起こす場合もあると思います。太陽の下、過酷な環境で働いている労働者はなおさら生産性が低下するのは考えられないことではないでしょう。生産性の低下を緩和するための対策が不可欠になります。生産性という問題は持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals ; SDGs)の第8、「働きがいも経済成長も」に関連すると思います。生産性と経済成長には強い関係があります。しかも、職場での適切な暑さの管理は、労働条件の改善にも役立ち、仕事の満足度の向上にもつながります。

 「Project Heat-Safe」の研究を行うことで、暑さの問題を軽減するための対策のコストとメリットも定量化できるのではないでしょうか。したがって、新しい対策案を述べる時にも説得力が増すはずです。将来、シンガポールにおいて効果的な暑さ対策が見つかれば、他の国もそのSDGsに導けばよいのではないかと思います。

“It’s hot! But there is nothing I can do about it”, is something that I found myself complaining about when I go out, sometimes.

Singapore is known to be a hot country throughout the year with no distinct seasons. Yet, that does not necessarily mean that there is nothing we can do about the heat. On October 2020, a group of researchers from National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore-ETH Centre and various overseas research groups, embarked on a research to study the impact of heat on productivity and health.

The research is named Project Heat-Safe. According to the project’s lead principal investigator, NUS Associate Professor Jason Lee, the motivation for conducting the research is that heat can adversely impact decision-making ability, even leading to an accident in some cases. In particular, the research will be conducted on workers engaged in physical intensive work. Ultimately, the aim is to identify possible policy changes that can help to reduce the impacts of heat on workers.

I am sure there are times where we do not feel like doing anything because the weather is just too hot. It is not unthinkable that workers working in hot and humid environments will be less productive. As such, measures to mitigate the loss in productivity becomes essential. Productivity is related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8, “decent work and economic growth”, since productivity and economic growth are strongly related to each other. In addition, proper measures to manage heat stress in the workplace helps to improve working environments and leads to decent work for all.

Through Project Heat-Safe, I think that the cost and benefits of the measures for alleviating heat stress can be better quantified. As a result, new measures proposed are likely to be more convincing when backed by quantifiable data. In the future, if effective measures against the impact of heat are discovered in Singapore, wouldn’t we be able to also lead other countries to achieve SDGs 8 through heat mitigation measures?




